Hannah Gallagher

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We got the pleasure to do an interview with Sarah Gallagher who is a participant in our Dig Deep Program. We explored why she wanted to take part in the Dig Deep Program, what is her new business and how she has found building her business.

Can you introduce yourself - your name and what you do?

I’m Hannah Gallagher, I’m twenty-five and from Strabane. I make historical costumes, I’m particularly interested in the Victorian era.  In my free time, I love to play football and do a bit of writing. 

Why did you want to take part in the Dig Deep Programme?

I found out during the lockdown that I wanted to try and start my own business, but I wasn’t sure where to start. I heard about the Dig Deep program and thought that it would be helpful in giving me the skills and confidence to get started. 

What is the new business that you have been developing?

I have been developing my historical costuming business, I’m starting small, making petticoats and other historical undergarments, I’m hoping to build up to taking costume commissions.

What has been your biggest hurdle since you started your business?

I think the thing that has been the hardest for me has been building up my confidence to believe that I could have my own small business. 

How do you see your business developing in the future?

I’m hoping to take historical costume commissions for museums and individuals.

What misconceptions did you have about starting your own business?

I thought that I wasn’t the kind of person to run a small business, but through the program, I have seen that it isn’t just for one kind of person. 

What have you learned about yourself since starting the program?

I have found out that I am more confident about the things that I make than I thought I was. 

What/who influences/motivates you?

I am influenced by other historical costume makers online, such as Izabella Prior, who makes and designs really beautiful things. I am motivated by the great people that I am surrounded by, who encourage me and help me to keep going. 

What has been your biggest accomplishment so far since starting your business?

I am really proud that I have finally set up an Etsy shop! It is something that I have wanted to do for quite a while.

What have you learned about your business in the last 3 months?

That working on it has been more fun and exciting than I thought it was going to be!

What things are you going to implement in your business in 2021?

I am hoping to make some new designs and take my first commission.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Buy that sewing machine! I didn’t get one until I was nineteen, imagine all the chaos I could have created if I got one earlier?

Where can people find you online?

I am @renegade_revan_cosplay on Instagram