
We got the pleasure to do an interview with Kerrie McNeill, who is a participant in our Dig Deep Program. We explored why she wanted to take part in the Dig Deep Program, what is her new business and how she has found building her business.

Can you introduce yourself - your name and what you do?

My name is Kerrie, I’m a Graphic Designer and Illustrator based just outside of Belfast- Currently still studying Illustration at the Belfast School of Art. I’m always asked, “What do you do?” and find it so difficult to answer as I’m always trying new things and experimenting!

My work is mostly illustrative with quite a bold style featuring lots of colours and patterns which is heavily inspired by plants, interior décor, traveling, and the environment! I focus my inspirations on creating art prints, hand-painted ceramics and plant pots (because I love plants), and whatever else pops into my head, but I also have a soft spot for anything design related and really enjoy working on these projects when they come about! 

Why did you want to take part in Dig Deep?

After such a tough few months with the first lockdown, I was debating on whether or not to go into the final year and finish off my degree in September. I decided not to and to take a year out and focus on potentially starting my own small business.

When scrolling through Instagram one morning I came across the Dig Deep Programme and immediately thought that this was a sign for me to apply and to take the leap! I knew that at some point in my life I really wanted to have my own creative business but never knew where to begin and it all just seemed too much to handle but I knew that this course would be a starting point and to just…go for it!

What is your new business?

 My business- Kerrie Illustrates at the moment focuses on selling art prints and hand-painted pieces online as well as commission-based work focusing on branding and illustrative projects.

I’m constantly thinking about new ways I can grow my business and different products I’d love to stock in the future- some of these include; clothing, stationery, and more ceramic pieces. I think my ultimate dream for my business is to have my designs in shops across the UK and further. I also love the thought of having my own studio space in the future full of lots of plants!

What is your biggest hurdle?

I think the biggest hurdle for me has been comparing myself to other creatives who have really established their business. I have to keep telling myself that this is only the beginning and that these things take time! 

What/who influences/motivates you?

Having a tidy and organized workspace really helps motivate me as well as having an organized planner! Although this isn’t always the case when things get a little busy, I try to at least dedicate one day over the weekend to plan and organize for the week ahead.

I gather most of my influences for my work from things that I am passionate about like traveling, colour and patterns, and the environment. Sometimes my inspiration comes from day to day activities such as going for a walk or shopping where I spot some colours I like or an object in a shop front and I’ll just quickly take a photo and save it for later!  

What things are you going to implement in your business in 2021?

Being consistent and engaging on my social media accounts. It’s really important to me to engage with followers and fellow creatives and create a friendly, inspiring environment!

I also want to keep being super creative and experimenting in lots of different creative ways! I feel like this is the best way for me to create new products and really grow my business in 2021. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

To not care about what other people think about you and your ability and just get out of your comfort zone!

Where can people find you online?

