sarah cathers

We got the pleasure to do an interview with Sarah Cathers, who is a participant in our Dig Deep Program. We explored why she wanted to take part in the Dig Deep Program, her new business and how she has found building her business.

Can you introduce yourself - your name and what you do? 

My name is Sarah Cathers. I am an artist and collector of oddities. I studied textiles and graduated in 2018. Since then I have continued to make, exhibit and sell my work. I have also been doing some freelance jobs as a Gallery Assistant and Embroidery Trainee for Costume in TV & Film.

Why did you want to take part in the Dig Deep Programme? 

I have been trying since graduating in 2018 to turn my practice into a business. I feel like I jumped into it quickly without realising I still had a lot to learn about myself, my work, and business. I wanted to take part in the programme to fill in the gaps in my knowledge and I hoped it would provide me with the skills I need to build up a business slowly and sustainably.

What is the new business that you have been developing? 

I have been developing my practice as a business. I make small sculptures out of found objects and foraged materials, documenting people and places.

What has been your biggest hurdle since you started your business? 

I have found it hard to not get overwhelmed at times. It can be overwhelming having so many ideas and tasks running side by side. I have to keep reminding myself I am making progress on paper and gaining clarity even if it has not yet materialised physically.

How do you see your business developing in the future? 

In the future, I plan to launch an online archive of my work, an online shop and a regular newsletter. I would like to have stockists in the UK & Ireland and continue to take part in exhibitions and work to commission.

What misconceptions did you have about starting your own business? 

I grossly underestimated the amount of decisions I would have to make. I am thinking about things and making decisions that I would never even have thought of. There is a lot of thought and mental preparation involved.

What have you learnt about yourself since starting the programme? 

Since starting the programme I have learnt that I definitely need targets and deadlines to work most effectively. I have also learnt that I find it very useful to set goals for myself (both short term and long term). Initially, I hated the idea of this exercise and thought it was unrealistic to plan my life out.  I found it very beneficial after changing my mindset and focusing on very small tasks/goals that together create a bigger, more fluid, realistic and achievable picture.

What/who influences/motivates you? 

Patricia Van Den Akker (founder of The Design Trust) really inspires me because she knows so much about creative businesses and shares a lot of her tips and tricks with makers through online training. I am motivated by small successes. When something goes right it gives me a boost to continue and persevere.

What has been your biggest accomplishment so far since starting your business? 

I have gained a lot of clarity for myself in terms of what direction I see my work heading, and what my values are and how to execute them. When I started I was quite confused and lost.

What have you learnt about your business in the last 3 months? 

The most important thing I have learnt is that it’s a good thing to be niche. My work might only appeal to 1% of the population and that’s ok. Not everyone has to appreciate my work. It’s about finding and engaging with the 1% of people who do.

What things are you going to implement in your business in 2021? 

Structure and planning! I am trying my best to be self-aware in my working patterns and learn more about how I work best and trying to create that environment for myself and put little procedures in place to allow myself to thrive.

What advice would you give your younger self? 

I would thank her for working so hard and being so dedicated and reassure her that every small task/job really does eventually build-up to create a very big picture.

Where can people find you online?

Instagram: @sarahcathersartist