
What does Scarlett Aubrey do?

Hey, I’m Scarlett, I’m a Graphic Designer working out of Belfast, Northern Ireland originally from Vancouver BC, Canada. I create brand identities, websites, packaging, digital/print marketing material, & everything in-between. I strive for my designs to tell a story with an emotional connection while remaining true to the subject. I draw on raw instinct and refine it to create purposeful work. 

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what inspired you to become a Graphic Designer?

I’m a compulsive creative with the need to constantly create something, anything. It’s something I’ve never been able to switch off, there is almost no medium I’m not interested in experimenting with at least once. I originally went into a film program in University (one of Vancouver’s main industries is film). It soon became apparent that it wouldn’t be sustainable for my whole life. One of my classmates saw my drawings on my notes and told me I should think about becoming a graphic designer, I swapped programs and the rest is history.

What/who influences/motivates you?

As far as influence, as a graphic designer you want to have an individual approach that suits the client’s needs and vision and try not to have a “style”. I do research other case studies for reference, however, even if I genuinely try another style it always renders itself imposable. There is always a recognisable piece of me in my work, I have still yet to figure out what that is exactly. I can sort of sense a modern west-coast grunge feel, I don’t really know. 

I am motivated by my future self and the loose vision of who I want to be. I’ve got to stay true to my instincts and make sure that the work I am producing makes me proud of myself.  At the end of the day, my work has to make me feel like I’ve learned and grown towards that future self each time. 

What has been your biggest hurdle and your proudest moment or accomplishment with your work so far?

I would say my biggest hurdle is quite a common one, It’s my confidence and always needing to be perfect. If I start to see my work not turning out the way I planned it can be disheartening, I’ll find myself staring at my work in frustration. It’s a hard feeling to overcome as most know; when I get to that point it’s always good to take a break and work on something else for a little while. The answers usually come when you’re not forcing them. 

I am pretty proud of myself for the professional choice I made to move to Belfast and all the challenges I overcome to prepare for that. It’s a pretty big thing and not everyone does it.

How do you manage having a work life balance?

I have found I need to take care of my physical, mental, creative, and emotional states at all times. If one is neglected then the other states begin to break down too. I make sure I exercise at least 5 to 6 times a week after work and eat a healthy diet. I remind myself regularly on the things that are going well in my life and the things I like about myself. I make sure to have an extra hobby that takes me away from the screen and feeds my creative needs (jewellery making etc.). I write checklists as a sort of loose goal setting technique. I also make sure I have conversations with my loved ones, especially because I live so far away from them. 

What are your tools that you use to keep yourself motivated when you are in the thick of a project?

I’m a typical Canadian who loves to get in touch with nature. In order to keep myself motivated I’ll have to make sure I get out into the woods for a run, a hike up the mountains, or something along those lines. If I can’t do that because I’m at work, then I’ll switch over to work on something else for at least a half-hour or an hour. Productive procrastination can be a great tool if used correctly and can press the refresh button. 

What are your goals/dreams/ambitions for your business? 

I really do love brand identity, I want to continue down that route and continue to create clever and challenging work as I progress in my career. I really I would like to reach a point in my career where my clients are as open-minded and creative as I am, what graphic designer doesn’t want that.

Tell us a fun fact about you 

Ooooo I have a few…. I’ve been stalked by a cougar before but I don’t know how ‘fun’ that story would be. I spent a few weeks working on a commercial fishing boat as a deckhand. I did everything that was expected of a deckhand: I threw the net out and brought it back in, threw the fish in and out of the boat, I even got to drive the boat when the captain had to sleep. I got to witness some of the coolest things in nature doing that.

Could you give some advice for any young, emerging entrepreneurs?

Consistency, patience, and forgiveness. Don’t judge yourself by others work or pace of growth. I find I produce better work when I don’t try and be other people, not only that but it’s impossible to do, you will always come through in the work anyway. Keep moving forward step by step, momentum is key. Even if you’re going at a slower pace in your development your still developing, if you do so, one day you will blink and you will have surpassed your original goals.

Where can people find you? 

Instagram: @scarlett.creative
