We got the pleasure to do an interview with Stevie Taylor, who is a participant in our Dig Deep Program. We explored why she wanted to take part in the Dig Deep Program, what her new business and how she have found building her business.

Can you introduce yourself - your name and what you do? 

Hello, my name is Stevie and I made the leap to the full-time artist at the end of 2020!

My work is inspired by facets of fairy tales and folklore from around the world which I translate in a range of 2D and 3D pieces with a focus on art prints and sculptures.

Why did you want to take part in the Dig Deep Programme? 

I’d known for quite a while that I wanted to work for myself one day but just needed that extra push. After being furloughed for most of 2020 and, quite frankly, wasting that time, it was the thought of returning to a job I didn’t enjoy that did it for me. I saw the application for the Dig Deep Programme around the same time the first lockdown was ending (and I was heading back to work) and thought it was the perfect time to get the ball rolling.

The programme also appealed to me because after spending most of 2020 at home, the idea of being surrounded by a group of like-minded people, albeit virtually, seemed great! I’m also the type of person that enjoys having set goals and accountability, which I knew the format of the course would provide.

What is the new business that you have been developing? 

My business is called Toadstools and Teacups, a name I settled on years ago when I first toyed with the idea of one day selling my art. To me, it really encapsulates the art I create and the way I create it. Whimsical and quirky pieces, fuelled by lots of tea!

What has been your biggest hurdle since you started your business? 

Me, myself, and I! I’m a planner and a perfectionist so if everything isn’t just right, it puts me off even starting and I end up procrastinating. I have a lot of unfinished projects because they haven’t lived up to the exact image in my head, which is a huge demotivator for me.

How do you see your business developing in the future? 

I really want to continue to improve as an artist and a business owner. From streamlining my business processes to developing a strong social media strategy and building my audience, as well as developing my artistic skills. I ultimately just want to create art I love and am proud of, and share that with the world.

What misconceptions did you have about starting your own business? 

 That being my own boss and doing something I love means I’d wake up every day full of joy and motivation!

At the end of the day, it still works, and it still has its downsides. I have days where I struggle to be productive, feel the pressure of time constraints, get anxious about customer service, or I’m disappointed in my own abilities or limitations. 

What have you learnt about yourself since starting the programme? 

I’ve learnt to be less doubtful of myself and that the sage advice of “fake it til you make it” can go a long way.

What/who influences/motivates you? 

I’m motivated by stories; fairytale, folklore, myth, legend. I’ve always been in awe of those who can create whole other worlds and creatures and most of my inspiration comes from my childhood and the books and stories I read. The idea of bringing those stories to life, or creating my own, through a painting or sculpture is something I really enjoy.

What has been your biggest accomplishment so far since starting your business? 

To elevate Toadstools & Teacups from a hobby to a business, I had to define my product line which meant phasing out items that were popular, but not as profitable, and increasing the prices of my remaining products which, of course, I was initially reluctant to do. I’ve since made those changes and it hasn’t been an issue with customers which has definitely helped me have more faith in myself and the longevity of my business.

What have you learnt about your business in the last 3 months? 

I’ve learnt that when I create art to be enjoyed rather than be sold, it still sells, but I’m much happier with the end product. It’s definitely a mindset I’ll be taking forward in my business.

What things are you going to implement in your business in 2021? 

My focus in 2021 is to build on my product portfolio and hopefully branch out into wholesale. I also want to sustain a more regular social media presence as my biggest audience and sales channel is Instagram.

What advice would you give your younger self? 

I would tell my younger self to stop finding excuses. Whether it’s a fear of embarrassment or failure or things not being absolutely perfect, stop finding ways to procrastinate. It’s what you want, so just go for it!

It’s nice to think that everything happens at the right time for the right reason, but I despair at the thought that I could’ve been 5 years ahead of where I am now if I’d just gone for it in the beginning!

Where can people find you online?

You can find me on;



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